UR Restored Ministries Inc. is a Faith-Based, 501c3 tax-exempt, Mentoring non-profit organization that comes alongside all those impacted by incarceration. We stimulate human services, therapeutic relief, bring God’s restorative love and seek to eliminate racial disparities in incarceration and those impacted from it. We focus on providing services to those inside, recently released, youth and the families. We address criminal justice reform, provide trainings, educational support and resources that aids in eliminating recidivism. Our reentry services, career development and programs inside the prison and outside assist in changing the narrative of those impacted by incarceration and contributes to restoring lives. Across this Nation, we are Restoring Lives.
Restored Ministries Inc.

We believe every child is a Scholar and someone worth investing in to help change the narrative.
Scholars program consist of
Technology equipment
Arts, Crafts, Encouragement, Mentoring
A choice of three-month extracurricular activity
Summer camp assistance, internships, and more.
College and Universities Scholarships

We support and come alongside the Children of incarcerated parents. We realize that the incarceration of a parent has a life long impact on the child. Furthermore, when their father or mother are released, many understand sadly, that there were weeks, months even years that they were unable to provide for their children. One of the parents that we partner with said,
"I am now chasing the years that I have missed with my child."
A child should not be restricted to certain joys of life. We are determined to help children and young adults from k-12 and up to 27 years of age with particular tools they need throughout the year to be encouraged and motivated.