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Our Mission

Bringing God’s restorative love to all outside and inside the prison walls.

Our mission is to come alongside those impacted by incarceration to help Restore their livelihood, meeting the desires and needs of the children of offenders, the offenders themselves, returning citizens and the offender’s families, with a result of redirecting and restoring the livelihood of individuals as well as communities.


Our Vision

To provide our programs across the state and the Nation.

      Reaching, creating Relationships, providing Resources, and Restoring lives is our purpose.

By encouraging all that they are not alone, and helping them to know their worth, we believe we can help inspire a new outlook on life, which will reduce recidivism, stop the cycle of crime, lessen the burden that offenders, returning citizens and their families have to deal with and help to change the narrative of the classic stereotype of someone who has served time.


Throughout the Christian Bible, God has consistently given the message of Restoration, for UR Restored Ministries this is fully realized through Jesus Christ. There is a story of God calling Abraham to come out of a certain location. Furthermore, God calls him out of a city called Ur and bings him unto Canaan (The Promise Land). Ur reminds us of where God has brought us from and where He wants to take us to. 

God desires to restore families, individuals, communities, and organizations, moving them out of one situation into a more promising and fruitful area. 

Our Founder and Executive Director has over seventeen years of prison ministry experience volunteering in prisons and jails across the state. He has worked with individuals, families, several organizations, and universities in supporting all those impacted by incarceration. Furthermore, on a more personal note, he has experienced the trauma that family members face when their loved ones are incarcerated, but also when they are released and trying to make up for the time that was lost.

He believes that everyone has the right to enjoy life to the fullest without the worries of the past getting in the way. 

UR Restored Ministries are here to help support and restore lives the way God wants it to be.  





 "Each of us is more than the worst thing we've ever done." 

-Bryon Stevenson 

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